Prōtagóras (-490/-420)

[ Yì Jīng | Pythagòras | Gautama | Kǒng Fūzǐ | Lǎo Zǐ | Herákleitos | Parmenídēs | Zḗnōn | Empedoklês | Prōtagóras | Sōkrátēs | Plátōn | AristotélēsZhuāng Zǐ | Diódōros | Ptolemaîos | Tertullianus | Plōtínos | Augustinus | PróklosShankara | ibnʿArabī ] – other periods

NOTProtagorasThe sophist Prōtagóras (Πρωταγόρας) (c.-490/c.-420) is (among others) the author of a powerful “theory of antilogies”, according to which on any given subject it is (in principle) possible to find two conflictive ways of arguing. This view has been strongly disputed by Plátōn and Aristotélēs. As such, Protagoras is seen as a forerunner of the 20th century thinking stream called “Post-Modern” (cf. Lyotard) …

  • Cassin, B., ,
  • Nietzsche, F., La philosophie à l’époque tragique des grecs, Gallimard, Paris, ?
  • Plato, Protagoras, …
  • Romeyer-Dherbey, G., Les sophistes, PUF, Paris, 1985
  • Untersteiner, M., I sofisti, Mondadori, Milano, 1996 (1949)

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